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Hard lock on filters

I would like to suggest the possibility of putting a hard lock on filters by Corilus , on request of database user of CareConnect program.

I think it would be very useful if more than 1 doctor consult the same patient.

For example : me as a specialist in gynaecology would have the filter on that prevents me to see any other visit logs (eg. visit logs done by general practitioners). I would be able to see only my visits and would be unable to remove the filter to assure other doctors that their notes from patient visits are confidential , and not shared (unless the patient requests the sharing).

This would also help in the situation when a doctor leaves the practice where he/she shared a database and consulted a patient common with other doctors. When a duplication of common patient files (with other doctors) is done, the filters would be put in place (and hard locked) that the doctor would be able to see only his/her visit logs and it would be impossible to remove this filters even accidentally.

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  • Oct 25 2024
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